Crypto Crime Investigation

CCI is a leader in conducting Cryptocurrency investigations. We can help when law enforcement is unable or unwilling to investigate your case, or when they are too slow. CCI can solve your case and then persuade prosecutors to seize the stolen assets and arrest the perpetrators.

Our Services

Our team specializes in:

Cryptocurrency crime investigations

Using custom-built tools, we specialize in exposing offenders hiding behind anonymous online accounts, and discreetly reveal online cyberbullies.

Crypto funds seizure and recovery

We help victims of cryptocurrency and trading scams through tracing, and recovery operations. We work closely with international law enforcement.

Identifying the criminals involved

Is your or your company's reputation damaged by a malicious online smear campaign? We can identify who is responsible.

We have all the expertise required to carry out an investigation for your case

Our strength in cryptocurrency tracing and the recovery of funds lies in our careful analysis of the blockchain, our extensive background in identifying bad actors through reversed social engineering, and our experience in presenting evidence to courts. We also have diverse skills in-house, comprised not only of crypto investigators but also of open-source specialist investigators, computer forensic experts, intelligence analysts, cyber security, and cyber forensic investigators.

CCI’s crypto scam recovery consist of six highly specialized investigative units, each with vastly different competencies:

Our Certified Cryptocurrency Investigators use, and are fully trained in using Chainalysis Reactor® blockchain investigation solution. We are able to quickly untangle the crypto scammer’s laundering and obfuscation efforts, inasmuch as that is possible. Our early retention in a crypto crime investigation will often result in the freezing of wallets that have direct exposure to proceeds from crypto crimes and scams. Our wallet freeze successes usually occurred long before law enforcement even returned the victim’s call. When this happens, we can persuade the prosecutor in your jurisdiction to expedite the police action. We will even ghostwrite seizure warrants for prosecutors in smaller jurisdictions that are not familiar with crypto crimes.

Our Open Source Intelligence Analysts apply their expertise in making assessments and predictions to support decision-making for each and every cryptocurrency investigation we conduct. They perform a variety of tasks from tactical intelligence functions to strategic reporting on threats and challenges to the other investigators. If our blockchain and social engineering investigators are the bloodhounds, then our OSINT analysts are the scouts who are assessing red herring distractions, footprint erasure, and historical connections.

Many crypto scammers instruct their victims to download and install sophisticated mobile phone applications as part of the scam. Our white-hat hackers reverse engineer these apps to find valuable clues about the app creators and all the services they are using. We then help detectives and prosecutors prepare warrants for services on these new witnesses that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Our investigators will actually engage and communicate with your scammers, pretending to be their next victims. During those engagements, we can capture originating IP addresses and other digital evidence and artifacts associated with your crypto scammers. Not only that, we groom the scammer, just as he or she groomed you, into unmasking his entire criminal hierarchy. Once we have identified the whole gang, we have also found the identity who holds the encryption keys to your stolen crypto.

For the pendency of your case, we will provide evidence, sworn affidavits and instructions for your local prosecutors so that they have the probable cause needed to: Extend and expand our early wallet freeze requests; Issue subpoenas, and Issue arrest warrants. When prosecutors and detectives lack the specialty technical knowledge required, we also ghostwrite these documents and orders to expedite the process.

Unfortunately, crypto scammers can usually launder stolen crypto and disappear long before law enforcement is able to process a crime report and act. This is even worse when the scammer is in a different country to the victim (which is almost always). We then contact the cyber crime unit in the scammers country and brief them on the case. We then provide that detective’s contact details to the local Detective in the victim’s jurisdiction. This has saved weeks, even months of bureaucratic delays in the past.

How we investigate Cryptocurrency Scam

CCI helps cryptocurrency scam victims by investigating the technical and non-technical clues, and trace where the funds went, and identify the responsible parties. This strategy provides the client with numerous options to recover the assets:

  • Analyze

    We first carefully analyze your conversations to look for possible slip-ups or clues that could help us identify the bad actors.

  • Investigate

    We search online and through databases to look for related offenses to collect evidence.

  • Social Engineering

    We directly engage the scammers, pretending to be another victim, and in the process uncover their address, identity and usually everything needed for law enforcement to make an arrest.

  • Follow the money trail

    We follow the money to the final beneficiary. When it comes to money transactions, there is always a trail, no matter how sophisticated the scam is. In many cases we can defeat the scammer’s laundering attempts, and successfully lock some or all of the wallets that are holding stolen or scammed crypto. Even if we cannot lock accounts, we can usually find the evidence needed for an arrest warrant for the perpetrators.

  • Track the perpetrator

    We identify and track the perpetrator down. We then consult our clients on what action to take, depending on the best available strategy.

Have Question ? Get in touch!

Investigate, trace, and recover your stolen crypto funds now.

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